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Fun Timers Archives | Dental wishes

I want to see that poor user right so I can have my favorites you have your favorites exactly it's a workstation specific so it's not used for specific but  Fun timer workstation specific so anybody working at my desktop will have these as the favorites on this on this computer okay yeah and that you know you can actually group reports together and then put them into the quick reports so.

I have set up my daily reports will give which will give me my day she'd my deposit reports whatever you want to set up as your report so you can you can set up you know my daily reports my end a month reports whatever you want to do as groups of reports that you want to print a lot of the consultants that I've worked with will have their own little group of reports that.

Fun Timers
Fun Timers

They want to print so we'll have a you know and rave reports an Andre report run or whatever it might be okay great so now we've got a lot of people who are interested if we're saying that new patient on that quick report doesn't show as all it just shows anybody who walked out anything how do we actually find out the patients that have visits haven't had business had a comp exam are you going to show us that next or is that okay.

Fun Timers Dental Wishes
Fun Timers Dental Wishes

Fun Timers Well it's all my list but let's just take another look cuz this is one way to get a report is from your report listing the other way to get a great report and my favorite way to get reports is through activities practice Fun timers management and money finder and with money finder I can actually find a lot more information because I can really go in and I can say let's just use the report that we just talked about so I want to say people.

Who have had a completed D zero one five zero for a period of time and because this is a phony system I will put a time line in there and let's say let me let me look at all the people who had a but at this point are not scheduled so this is a great way of saying these are all the people who came in for a comp exam Dental wishes but are not coming back anymore you know they walked out without getting another appointment you know.

We could do the same thing by saying show me all the people who came in for ad zero one four zero and again I have another code for my first time emergency exams but let's say they came in for emergencies and but they didn't schedule as they were leaving so we got them out of pain.

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