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  • Writer's pictureFamily Dental Coverage

The Secret Life Of Fresh Tooth Paste

Brand names here so these brand names are in a six pack and they are so for six comes out to six dollars and cents now this is actually a very reasonable price for fresh tooth paste.

free tootjh paste

So if you do plan on getting the name brands definitely get them at a wholesale club because keep in mind that what the same exact ones that you saw at Target were.

Each for one bristle for one unit and that was all actually on sale of fresh thooth paste so they were for two at Target whereas here they're for six in the wholesale clubs and these are the name-brand.

Wider bristles with a different bristle pattern as you can see but let me show you the prices so that was the generic one six for and the brand-name ones were for six.

So there you go that's a price summary of the sonic hair bristles and I hope this helped and thank you for watching all right I'm going to do a little how-to video here this is a Sonicare.

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